A weekly check-up of gender, medicine, and history in the news
- Darwin in love.
- A history of seduction.
- Is “snake oil” really from snakes?
- The long history of the hand-washing gender gap.
- Can “feminist design” save algorithms from bias?
- The 200-year-old diary that’s rewriting gay history.
- What happened to Playboy’s first black cover girl?
- The shocking “treatment” to make lesbians straight.
- Children’s notebooks reveal poignant view of history.
- The not-so-romantic history of Valentine’s Meat Juice.
- When white women wanted a monument to black “mammies.”
- Dozens of historic Mexican cookbooks are now available online.
- How artists use “Washington Crossing the Delaware” to challenge history.
- What an 1890s opioid epidemic can teach us about ending addiction today.
- Nearly everything you thought you knew about George Washington is wrong.