A weekly check-up of gender, medicine, and history in the news
- An oral history of Lilith Fair.
- The little-known history of cat litter.
- Twin births in the U.S. are dropping.
- Stop getting married on plantations.
- Showing solidarity with women in prison.
- Making camping more comfortable, a history.
- The colorful history of the black leather jacket.
- What Abraham Lincoln got right about addiction.
- Why are there so many Filipino nurses in California?
- No evidence disputed hat belonged to Abraham Lincoln.
- How the ban on medical advertising hurt women doctors.
- The U.S. has been silencing black girls’ voices for decades.
- What we don’t talk about when we talk about women’s media.
- The vaping industry is using a tactic pioneered by Big Tobacco.
- How eyebrows may have played a crucial role in human survival.